Kenny turned one on June 22. He actually had two birthday parties. Since my husbands mother had to work on Saturday, she had him a little cake, ice cream and presents the night before. It was going really good until Kenny grabbed his daddy's cup of milk. Now, for the past few days Kenny has been drinking out of regular cups really good. The only problem he has is when he's done, he throws it down! So when he grabbed Brad's milk, everyone got nervous except for me and Brad because we had seen him drink from cups. I brag on him, telling everyone, "It's okay, he can drink from a regular cup, watch." What does he do? Dumps it all over himself. So for the rest of the evening I'm getting teased and laughed at because I let him do it. But it was nice, his granny got him this cute little activity table that plays music and lights up. He loves it, he can stand up at it and dance.

The next day was his other birthday part for everyone else, mostly my side of the family. I got the cutest idea for his cake. Kenny, for whatever reason, has come to love the
Gummy Bear Song <-- this is the link in case you've never heard it before-- This song can instantly change his mood. He can be mad, upset, crying and screaming, but if we turn on the gummy bear song, he will stop, start laughing and dancing. Since it seems to be the only thing right now that he just absolutely loves, I decided to have a picture of it put on his cake. The Kroger Bakery does that. I took them the picture and they put it on the cake. Not only that, but Kroger, ours at least, gives a free little cake they call a "smash cake" on the first birthday for the baby to dig into. It turned out so cute. Being the procrastinator that I am, at 1:00 I leave to head to Walmart and get Kenny's birthday present, and then to Kroger to pick up the cake. I got home with thirty minutes to spare!
Brad graciously volunteered to grill out for everyone. Hamburgers and hot dogs. I don't want to brag, but y'all, my husband can grill up some awesome food!! I love when he grills for us, it's always grilled just right, never burnt or under cooked, juicy, just perfect!! He started grilling as the grandparents and great grandparents arrived. While he was grilling, Kenny entertained everyone by dancing to the gummy bear song! (His great grandparents were still laughing about this morning at church)

So we eat, and then pull out the cake. We give Kenny his little smash cake and at first he's a little shy with it. Then he realizes it's edible. Before long it's all over his face, his clothes, his hair, the chair, up his nose and in his ears! That's when we decided it probably would've been a good idea to let him open presents before digging into the cake. So while the rest of us are enjoying the big cake, my mom and grandma stick Kenny in the bath and wash him off. We get him redressed and after my grandmother insists on coming his hair, which didn't do any good cause he ran his hands through it and messed it back up, we give him his presents.

All the presents are in gift bags so it's easy for him to open. I encourage him to pull out the tissue paper in the first bag. He leans over and looks in. Clothes. (Cute clothes) so he goes to the next bag, pulls out the tissue paper. More clothes. (Even cuter clothes) On to the third bag, pulls out the tissue paper, and again, clothes. (I'm happy, cause he's out grown everything else and the clothes are so cute) On the fourth bag he was done, he started playing with other stuff. I knew there was a toy in the fourth bag because it was from me and Brad. But I could not convince him to pull the tissue paper out of the bag! I finally pulled it out and tipped the bag over for him to see and then he wanted it out of the bag and out of the box so he could play with it!
So he had a great first birthday!
happy birthday kenny
ReplyDeletelove ya buddy
from scott and cindy