Friday, July 27, 2012

My Opinions

Two things in the media have caught my attention lately.  I don't usually follow new stories and these haven't been any different.  Other than the fact that people have been making noise over these issues, I haven't followed them and don't know all the developments or details.  But everybody seems to have an opinion and I wanted to give mine.  So let me take care of something first before getting into it.  Opinion.  By definition an opinion is a belief or judgement that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty, a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.  Everyone has an opinion, but some people are mocked, criticized, or hated for expressing their opinion.  So maybe you already know where I'm going with this.

First of all, this whole thing about Chick-fil-a coming out and saying they believed in the Biblical definition of marriage, one man and one woman.  They do not support gay marriage.  I'm so very glad they did.  They had the courage to state their own beliefs, or opinions.  It's not surprising since the company is a Christian family owned chain of restaurants.  Now they are getting slammed from the gay supporters.  They're being called bigots, close-minded neanderthals, anti-gay, heathens.  For a group of people who are shouting for everyone to be open-minded and tolerant, they sure can throw the hate on.  Chick-fil-a did not say they would no longer serve gay people.  They did not say they would no longer hire gay people, or if they discovered gay people working for them they would be fired.  They simply said they believed in the Biblical definition of marriage.  I whole-heartily agree with them.  Being a Christian, my opinion is the Biblical definition is correct.  That's what an opinion is, when you believe something to be right.  It doesn't mean everyone is going to believe the same way as you and can't force them to.  Non-Christians have made it abundantly clear they don't like Christians shoving the Bible and religion in their faces and I can't say I blame them.  I don't like having different groups shoving their beliefs in my face saying "You have to be tolerant, you have to accept this, and you can't say anything mean or hateful to us." I've seen that trying to force someone to listen to my beliefs only turns them away that much quicker.  Until they have an accepting attitude, they are not going to listen to what I have to say about God.  Yes, I'm a Christian, I believe in God, I believe the things He says in the Bible to be true, I do not support gay marriage.  But will I ever be mean or hateful to a person because they're gay? No.  God teaches us to love our neighbors.  He didn't say only love your neighbors who are like you, or believe the same you do, or act like you, or dress like you.  There are no stipulations on this command.  He teaches to love people, but hate sin.  It's not going to do any good to go up to a gay, an atheist, or someone of a different religion, start wagging my finger in their face saying, "You're wrong, you need God, you need the Bible, you're living in sin, you need to get right." That's going to offend them, and when someone gets offended they're going to shut you out.  A Christian can't beat someone over the head, calling them sinners and then try to convince them that our God is a God of love.  So my approach is to wait.  I'm going to be nice, respectful and I will be your friend.  I'm going to live my Christian life in front of you and hope my actions speak for themselves.  Then if you ever come to me and ask about God or the Bible, whatever your sexual orientation, whatever your beliefs, I will then tell you what I believe because that's the only time a person is going to listen and maybe even accept what I say.  
Seeing all the hateful comments aimed at Chick-fil-a for their beliefs made me wonder why it was okay for the gay supporters to say anything they want in support of their lifestyle, even if it is hateful or close-minded, but Christians can't say what they want about their beliefs without being persecuted.  Tolerance is a two way street. If Christians have to be tolerant of each groups choices, then the same groups should be tolerant of ours.  Calling each other names and saying hateful things about each other is never going to get anyone to listen to the other side.

The other issue that evoked another strong opinion in me is the gun control issue.  What happened in Colorado at the theater was a tragedy and unfortunately has sparked another wave of people wanting gun control laws.  They shout that if we had these laws and we took guns away from the people then there would be less gun related crimes.  I just don't see the logic in that.  I think if the government was to take away all the guns, then the only people who didn't have guns would be the honest people who've never committed a gun related crime in their lives and never plan to.  Criminals don't follow laws, if they did, they wouldn't be criminals.  Criminals will be the only people with guns, except maybe the police.  Gun crimes will sky rocket because the criminals will know that no one will be able to defend themselves.  I always think about this: there's two scenarios.  First, the world where there are gun control laws and no one has any guns to protect themselves.  A man intent on robbing a store gets a gun and runs in, he knows for sure that no one in there has a gun, he has plenty of time to rob the store and everyone in it blind and get away before the police can get there, he's safe.  Second, the world where the people are allowed their concealed weapons and the right to use them judiciously.  The same robber thinks about robbing a store, before he runs in and robs everyone he has to wonder who might be carrying and will he survive this robbery.  He's second guessing and wondering if it's worth it.  Say he does decide to rob it, and more than one person including the store owner has a gun.  Chances are the people and the owner would only have to pull their guns out and the would be robber would probably flee the scene with out any violence.  And if he does go on and try to rob it? He gets shot.  If he's wounded he'll be treated and be arrested for attempted robbery, if he's killed, no one will have to worry about him hurting anyone else.  Criminals are going to target people who can't defend themselves.  If they have a choice they will attack someone or somewhere they know there are no guns, that way they don't have to worry about getting hurt.
I live in the south where most everyone has a gun.  Most of those people have done it the right way.  Both my parents went to the class, went through background checks, bought their guns legally and always have their carry permit with them.  In all the years they've had their permits, and carried their guns, they have never once had to even pull their guns on someone.  No one ever even knows when they have them.  
Criminals commit crimes with guns.  They also commit crimes with cars.  Are we going to ban cars? Criminals commit crimes with ski masks on.  Are we going to ban ski masks? Hollywood makes movies that depict people shooting other people.  Are we going to ban movies?  How far will the gun control people take it? I've seen videos of criminals attempting to rob different places using other things besides guns, there's been swords, knives, baseball bats, crossbows.  Anything can be a deadly weapon, not just a gun.  A gun in the hands of a responsible person only trying to protect his family is not a threat to anyone.
So my opinion: Everyone should get a gun and learn how to use it.  Less people would be victims and criminals would start second guessing before committing crimes.  

So this post may have been long winded and a bit tirade-ish.  But these were strong opinions I had on these issues.  These are my own thoughts and if they don't mesh with yours, that means you have your own thoughts.  I don't expect everyone to believe like me, this world would be pretty dull everyone was exactly alike.  But I do ask you respect my opinion as being my own.  You might be reading this thinking this woman is completely insane.  That's okay with me.  I might think the same about you if I heard your opinions.  But there again, what you think of me is your opinion.  Opinions are what make us different.  It's my opinion that all vegetables are yucky, doesn't make it true.  It's my opinion that I have the cutest, most adorable little boys on this planet.  My mother would say that's not an opinion, that's a fact.  But what mother doesn't think that about her children.  My point to all this is why can't people respect other people's opinions instead of being hateful to them.  If you don't agree with someone, you don't have to say anything, just walk away and leave them alone, unless you're both willing to discuss your opinions civilly.