I know that there is rarely an easy day where everything goes perfectly and smoothly. But do some days really have to be so stupid? And why can't your brain just recall whatever you want it to? Our brains remember everything we ever hear, read, and see. We just don't have the recall capability.
I woke up this morning tired. I really didn't want to get out of bed, but the kids are always up no later than 6:30am. I wasted a lot of the morning sitting on the couch, trying to talk myself into getting up and getting something done. It wasn't going very well. I was just about resigned to spending the day on the couch until Kenny started wailing from their room. The worst case scenario sprang to mind: He hurt bad, there'll be blood, broken bones, missing teeth he just grew in. I get back there and Kenny's just sitting in the floor crying. Connor has destroyed their room with toys. So after I get Kenny calmed down I figure I might as well stay up on my feet to get some things done.
I go get dressed and start picking up each room. I'm going along fine, watching the clock because nap time has to be right around the corner. I make it to the kitchen. There's a check laying there that I know I better put in my wallet to deposit in the bank tomorrow. So, like always I open the back pocket of my wallet and put the check in. In the back pocket of my wallet I keep extra keys. But they've in there so long I can't remember what they fit. So I thought, "I'll get my keys and compare them. I'll know what these go to if they match any of the keys on my key ring." that's where my trouble started.
We keep a key hook in the laundry room. It's really in a dumb place. It hangs on the wall right over the garbage can. When I go to get my keys, they're not there. Okay, if they aren't on the hook, they have to be in the diaper bag. I checked that diaper bag three times. Then I dumped everything out and came just short of tearing the lining out, convinced those keys HAD to be in there. They weren't. My darling hubby is always fussing at me to always hang them back up so I thought maybe he hid them to 'teach me a lesson'. (He's did that with something else....once) I called him to ask and he said he hadn't seen them. Of course I got the speech on how if I would just hang them up every time I wouldn't be trying to find them now.
I go through my purse, I go through pants pockets, I go through the kids toy boxes, I look under my bed. I called Wal-Mart to see if anyone had turned in lost keys, I texted my preacher's wife to see if I had left them at the church, I called my mom to see if they were at her house, I walked over to my mother in laws to see if they were there, I searched the car, the grass around the back porch, I backed the car up to see if they were under it, I even looked inside the shoes that sit in the laundry room. Nothing. They were just gone. I just know if my keys could talk they would've been laughing at me, mocking me. I wonder if Kenny ate them, since he seems to eat anything he can get his hands on. I wonder if Connor flushed them like he did my MP3 player that one time. And of course the whole time I'm looking for them Connor and Kenny are right underneath me. Connors want to play a game, then he wants a drink, then he wants a snack, then he's had an accident in his undies, then he wants to go outside and catch bugs. Kenny just wants to be held.
Then an awful thought hit me. What if they had fallen off the hook and into the garbage that my husband had just sacked up and taken out to the big can last night. I really didn't want to have to dig through the trash.
Well, by this time it was lunch. I'm fixing lunch for the kids, thinking of any other place they might could be before going through the trash. And while I'm pouring Connor some tea, I happened to remember that I had dropped some keys into the little bag I keep my Bible in when I go to church on Sundays. I went to look and there they were! I was so happy at not having to go through the trash I was dancing around in the living room with Connor giving me a thumbs up and telling what a good job I had done!
So my keys are safely hung back up....over the garbage can. We really need to find a new place for the garbage can, or the key hook. It's amazing how one discovery (keys being missing) can really throw your day out of whack. I still feel befuddled. Of course that could be Connor in there saying "Mario Galaxy" over and over and Kenny turning the DVD player on, which turns Connor's game off, which makes Connor fuss, which make Kenny laugh. So yeah. If my biggest accomplishment today is that I found my house keys, I'm good with that.