Since I never thought I would even make it to adulthood (I thought my own mother was going to kill me a few times during those teenage years, once in 8th grade for sure) being a mom myself seems a miracle. It was hard to picture myself as a mom until I actually held that sweet baby in my arms. I thought "I'm going to be the best mom to the best kid in the world!" Taking care of that precious child day after day, watching him sleep, learning to smile and coo, I thought there was no way this little boy could ever do anything wrong. There would never be any reason for me to raise my voice at him, let alone spank him! He was just too sweet!
Well, he got older. He's three now, and every bit of it! I'm not sure what happened to that sweet adorable baby I had three years ago. He was replaced by an energetic, tantrum throwing, smartypants, monkey/boy hybrid thing!! I wish I had half the energy he does. He makes me tired just watching him. Sometimes I have to just plop down on the couch and catch my breath, then realize I hadn't been exerting any energy.
I also had no idea a three year old could have such a smart little mouth on him! It doesn't help when his daddy is teaching him phrases like "That's how I roll" and "Chill out". I didn't realize how many times a day I say "Stupid thing" when I get aggravated at something until he started calling his toys "stupid thing". It's when he turns that smart mouth towards me or his daddy that he gets into trouble. Telling me "No, I'm busy, you do it" when told to pick up his toys, or "Yea I can do it, it's making baby brother laugh" when told to stop a certain annoying or potentially harmful activity. If I had a nickel for every time I said "stop, quit, get off that, get down from there, put that back, put that up, leave the dog alone, don't do that to your brother, don't throw that, what is that, what are you doing, I don't think so, hush," or some variation of any of those, I'd be rich. And if I had another one for every time he had a smart remark to any one of those, we'd be living in the lap of luxury.
He's also at that age now where he thinks he can do everything himself. Nothing makes me happier than to see him trying to put his shoes on by himself. But then I hang my head in shame when the shoe goes flying across the room and Connor yelling stupid thing, when it didn't go on right the first time. Unfortunately he gets the short temper from me. So not only do I have to break him from throwing these fits, I have to break myself from them too. It's not going to well.
Of course, nothing sets off my mom radar more than silence. I remember my mom telling me that she always knew my sister and I were doing something we weren't supposed to when she didn't hear us. When I can't hear Connor, I start preparing myself for a mess of epic proportions. Like half a gallon of milk in the kitchen floor because he was going to pour himself a drink, or melted scentsy wax splattered on the table, wall, and floor, because he discovered that stuff wasn't hot and fun to play in. (Yes, these are actual messes I have cleaned up because I left him alone for two minutes) And then there was the time I noticed he had my MP3 player, when I start toward him to take it away he took off running straight towards the bathroom. Can you guess what happened next? I'll give you a hint: *splash* *flush* "hahaha" "NOOOO!" bye bye MP3 player.
And who knew little kids could turn into monkeys at will? I have seen him playing with things I know was put up out of his reach, and yet he still has it. It started young. He was a year and a half when he learned how to pull the dresser draw open and use it as a step to get to his daddy's change on top of the dresser. Before his brother was born, he somehow climbed up into the crib and couldn't get out. Climbing isn't the only way he imitates a monkey either. There's the weird noises and a unique way he runs through the house that has me convinced he has monkey blood mixed with his DNA.
Needless to say he can definitely get me going. Never a dull moment with him. And yet as bad as he can be, he can be just as sweet. There's nothing more precious than we comes to me, puts his arms around my neck and says "I love you Momma." Nothing brings tears to my eyes quicker then seeing him stand up in church and sing "The B-I-B-L-E" or "Zacchaeus Was A Wee Little Man". Nothing is cuter than to see him playing with his little brother. He likes to help me sometimes and although doing a chore with him helping usually takes longer to complete, it's good for him and fun to watch.
I wouldn't trade my Connor for any other little boy in the world. I know he will be four soon and some of this typical three year old behavior will disappear and give way to new things, both good and bad.
I will definitely NOT have any illusions that his baby brother, who is learning to crawl, will be too sweet and precious to get into trouble. Or any other babies we may have in the future. I cherish these early days with my boys, soon they'll be going to school, having friends, learning to drive, graduating and heading off into their lives. So while I have them here at home with me, I will hug them and kiss them and play with them and smother them and make sure they know how special they are to me and how lucky they are to have me and their daddy as parents!